'Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful' - William Morris
Hestia was the ancient Greek goddess of the home and hearth, and Hestia Upholstery evolved from a lifelong passion for interiors. Professional training was undertaken though the AMUSF, whose accredited programme ensures that a high standard of upholstery skill is attained. My training focussed on traditional techniques and I have in excess of ten years upholstery experience. I love the craftsmanship and character of antique pieces in particular, however do work with all aspects of modern and traditional upholstery. Depending on the condition of a piece it may be possible to retain or restore elements of the existing upholstery, and I can advise on the available options in the event that the replacement of fillings is required.
The choice of an appropriate fabric is critical to the success of a project and I am able to source fabrics and trimmings from most of the leading fabric houses. I can provide fabric samples to be appraised at home, and also ensure that the fabric is compliant with the required fire regulations. Sustainability is incredibly important to me, and I aim to use natural and sustainable fillings and materials wherever possible.